Saturday 27 August 2016

How to Pack for Your First Backpacking Trip.

Packing the Bag :

Once you’ve collected everything, it’s time to pack. Over time, you’ll develop a unique packing style that fits your needs and your preferences, but if it’s your first time trying to get everything into a backpack, here are some tips to make it easier.
Start by putting aside everything you may need in the middle of the day (snacks, map/compass, first-aid kit, rain jacket, etc.) These items can go in the top compartment of the pack, where they’ll be readily accessible.
Once that’s done, work from the bottom up, always keeping three things in mind: accessibility, balance, and compression. Pack things in the order you’ll need them – you don’t want to repack the whole bag halfway through the day because you buried all the food. Balancing the weight on each side of the pack will make your backpack fit more comfortably and keep you from wobbling down the trail. People usually struggle with compression because it takes some practice. The idea is to keep your backpack as svelte as possible and to avoid empty pockets of air. Sometimes this requires packing with a little force.

Most backpacks have a separate compartment at the bottom, which is a convenient place to store your sleeping bag for two reasons. First, you can sit on the bottom of the pack, knowing that the sleeping bag won’t be damaged by the weight. Second, it’s important to have a bulky, lighter-weight item in the bottom of the back for proper balance.
Next, decide how you’re going to keep everything dry. Some people line their bag with a thick trash bag or a lightweight nylon drybag, but another option is to bring a pack cover that wraps around the outside of the bag. If you choose to line the backpack, place the liner in the bag before adding anything else.
Pack your extra layers – the ones you probably won’t need during the day (socks, underwear, puffy jacket, etc.) above your sleeping bag. Some people prefer to have their extra clothes in a stuff sack to keep them together. This is personal preference, but the more stuff sacks you pack, the more space you waste – think compression!
A stuff sack, however, is a good way to keep all your food together, and it can be used to hang food at night to keep it safe from wildlife. Your food should go in next. Be sure to place the food so it sits against your back because this keeps the weight close to your center of balance.
Here are a few more pro tips: pack the tent poles along the inside of the bag but not inside the liner. Try to pack things inside your cookpot to prevent wasted space, and make sure you separate the food from the fuel. To help fill in dead spaces and cut down on pack weight, take your tent out of its bag and stuff it into the crevices of your pack.
While a few items fit well on the outside of the pack, such as water bottles and fuel, the goal is to get everything else inside. This keep items from getting damaged on the outside of the pack and looks more professional.

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